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Intel Realsense


Installation du driver du Capteur D455

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key F6E65AC044F831AC80A06380C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE || sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-key F6E65AC044F831AC80A06380C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://realsense-hw-public.s3.amazonaws.com/Debian/apt-repo bionic main" -u
sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dkms
sudo apt-get install librealsense2-utils

Tester avec:


Récupération des images avec OpenCV en python

Installation de pyrealsense2

L'exemple de la doc librealsense

Calibration de la caméra

Avec une calibration, la détction du squelette est beaucoup plus stable.
Une copie du script de la doc se trouve dans le dossier rs-imu-calibration: rs-imu-calibration.py
Suivre le script et le PDF IMU_Calibration_Tool_for_Intel_RealSense-Depth_Cameras_Whitepaper.pdf

Exemple d'une calibration

python3 rs-imu-calibration.py
waiting for realsense device...
  Device PID:  0B5C
  Device name:  Intel RealSense D455
  Serial number:  053422251581
  Product Line:  D400
  Firmware version:
Start interactive mode:
FOUND ACCEL with fps=63
FOUND GYRO with fps=200
*** Press ESC to Quit ***
Align to direction:  [ 0. -1.  0.]   Mounting screw pointing down, device facing out
Direction data collected.
Align to direction:  [1. 0. 0.]   Mounting screw pointing left, device facing out
 Status.collect_dataWARNING: MOVING     ]]                                                
Direction data collected.
Align to direction:  [0. 1. 0.]   Mounting screw pointing up, device facing out
Direction data collected.
Align to direction:  [-1.  0.  0.]   Mounting screw pointing right, device facing out
 Status.collect_dataWARNING: MOVING     ]]                                                
Direction data collected.
Align to direction:  [ 0.  0. -1.]   Viewing direction facing down
Direction data collected.
Align to direction:  [0. 0. 1.]   Viewing direction facing up
 Status.collect_dataWARNING: MOVING     ]]                                                
Direction data collected.
Would you like to save the raw data? Enter footer for saving files (accel_<footer>.txt and gyro_<footer>.txt)
Enter nothing to not save raw data to disk. >toto
Writing files:
[ 5.22060069e-04  6.86921142e-05 -2.07340278e-03]
[1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000]
using 6000 measurements.
[[ 1.01076975e+00  3.60727590e-02 -8.35014969e-03]
 [ 4.92538947e-04  1.01871131e+00 -8.72837958e-03]
 [-6.46373829e-03  1.24138802e-02  1.01959596e+00]
 [ 2.24575082e-01  1.56413994e-01  2.86333600e-01]]
residuals: [  7.25572588   3.70199967 114.63373591]
rank: 4
singular: [441.23030094 430.20638248 424.20085017  77.26445512]
norm (raw data  ): 9.655707
norm (fixed data): 9.805557 A good calibration will be near 9.806650
Would you like to write the results to the camera? (Y/N)Y
Writing calibration to device.
  Device PID:  0B5C
  Device name:  Intel RealSense D455
  Serial number:  053422251581
  Firmware version:
SUCCESS: saved calibration to camera.

Les pages sur la détection de squelette

intel_realsense.1617862014.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2021/04/08 06:06 de serge