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Notes de sb

Récupération de l'ancien wiki en statique


httrack https://wiki.labomedia.com \
   -atomicobject.com/assets/* \
   +atomicobject.com/*.css \
   +atomicobject.com/*.js \
   -atomicobject.com/documents/* \
   -atomicobject.com/uploadedImages/* \
   --path "~/httrack-copies/atomicobject/" \
   --verbose \
httrack −−update
updates a mirror in the current folder
will bring you to the interactive mode
httrack −−continue
WildCardFilters=+*.apk +*.png +*.jpg +*.jpeg +*.blend +*.svg +*.patch +*.pde +*.pd +*.zip +*.gz +*.pdf +*.gif +*.deb +*.tga +*.ods +*.odt +*.sla +*.tiff +*.tif +*.stl +*.ply +*.dxf +*.scad +*.ai +*.flac +*.mkv +*.mov +*.mp3 +*.mp4 +*.oga +*.ogg +*.ogv +*.wav +*.webm
Wget (UNIX, Linux, OSX, ...)
Wget is generally available on almost any 'nix machine and can produce the mirror from the command line. However, wget seems to have problems converting the relative style sheet URLs properly with many Drupal site pages. Modify your theme template to produce hardcoded absolute links to the stylesheets and try the following command:
wget -q --mirror -p --adjust-extension -e robots=off --base=./ -k -P ./ http://example.com
wget respects the robots.txt files, so might not download some of the files in /sites/ or elsewhere. To disable this, include the option -e robots=off in your command line.
wget includes all query strings such as image file "?itok=qRoiFlnG". Recursively remove all query strings with:
find -name "*.*\?*" | while read filename; do mv "$filename" "${filename%%\?*}"; done
HTTrack (UNIX and Windows and Mac/homebrew)
HTTrack. The Windows GUI client version will produce the mirror with almost no configuration on your part. One potential command to use is:
httrack http://2011.example.com -K -w -O . -%v --robots=0 -c1 -%e0
Note the -K option creates absolute links - this is only sometimes useful if you are hosting a public mirror on the same domain. Otherwise omit -K to produce relative links
The -c1 options makes only 1 request at a time so this becomes rather slow. The default is -c10, so you might considering something more like this value when archiving your own site.
With HTTrack properly configured, you don't have to hack on common.inc to get all of your stylesheets to work correctly. However, with the default robots.txt settings in Drupal 5 and the "good citizen" default HTTrack settings, you won't get any module or theme CSS files or JavaScript files.
If you're working from a local installation of Drupal and want to grab ALL of your files in a way that you can just copy them up to a server, try the following command:
httrack http://localhost/ -W -O "~/static_cache"  -%v --robots=0 
Advanced httrack dumps
KarenS has created a very helpful description on how to "statify" a Drupal site with httrack, where she suggests the following code (on a Linux console):
httrack "http://${root_uri}" -O "$targetdir" -N "%h%p/%n/index%[page].%t" -WqQ%v --robots=0
(where $root_uri is the place to start grabbing, most likely your public Drupal root, and $targetdir the start point for the backup files.
In the latter, she furtherly suggests to run a regex on all files to fix link issues with index.html; where her regex can even be improved to:
find . -name "*.html" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 perl -i -pe '/((?<![\'"])\/index.html|(?<=[\'"]\/)index.html)\b//g'
This way it would leave Drupal's non-trailing-space paradigma intact and avoid "duplicate content" issues while preserving absolute paths. Note that this only works with a web server configured to add the necessary trailing slashes again and resolve to the actual index.html file.
You can even copy [dump_root]/[yourhost.tld]/index/index.html file to [dump_root]/[yourhost.tld]/index.html, where in the latter, all '../' must be removed from the source. If you do this, you can change your DOCUMENT_ROOT from [dump_root] to [dump_root]/[yourhost.tld]. This way you preserve even more of the former site structure and make sure that "/" requests will not fail. Note that this requires (Which, then again, could also be done by .htaccess rules.)


wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites -U Mozilla http://example.org

Ok avec

wget -mpck --user-agent="" -e robots=off --wait 1 https://wiki.labomedia.org

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notes_sb.1548333866.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2019/01/24 12:44 de serge